

Feck I hate public transports. Rude people everywhere.

When the train arrives, everybody is pushing themselves at the door, not letting people stepping outside properly, then they lay their filthy shoes on the seats, contributing to the cancerness of the place, they cackle like hens, so I have to put super high volume on my headset, bringing some dark looks from other peasants because I listen to metal, but fuck them, and when finally you arrive, with nearly all the people standing up since 15 minutes ago because they want to go off first, some fucker in front of you steps down, with his luggage, and STOPS right there to open his handle so you're sure to bump in his ass, he turns to you expecting YOU to apologize when the fucker took the whole place for himself, I give him a mean look with my metal chaos pissing from my ears, and venture off to bump in a girl who was standing in the FUCKING way again checking out where she had to go. ARGH.

  • 3
    @AlexDeLarge do you also have that annoying colleague you want to avoid at all costs because he cannot handle silence in conversations?

    Fucker tells me how he ate his last supper. Amazing.
  • 0
    @AlexDeLarge I must be too polite to do that, but I will try the AlexDeLarge™ technique haha
  • 2
    In Norway they make commercials about waiting until everyone is out of the doors, then enter after.

    It actually works.

    Can send picture proof if necessary
  • 1
    @Stocken we need those too :D
  • 1
    Sounds like a problem with people there.

    Btw, is this in Switzerland? ( pls don't be, switzerland is like the perfect country in my mind )
  • 1
    @HoloDreamer sorry :D

    it's not a perfect country unfortunately... :( unless you like beautiful landscapes!

    I didn't talk about motorways neither, which are way worse than trains :)
  • 1
    that's because you don't thank the train driver... oh wait, wasn't it the bus driver?
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