
Hello everyone, Kindly help me out, please.
I'm using Ubuntu latest LTS. The problelm is, I am not able to copy, past or cut anything from my external harddrive. I am however able to watch movies or edit documents directly from the hdd
I've tried 'askubuntu'. This is link that has a similar problem as mine

and also watched a couple of videos on youtube, like the one linked below, but unfortunately no luck.

I'd appreciate any help or pointers as I really need to backup my stuff

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    Yeah, it's probably the permissions. You can check which permissions you need and edit fstab so the HDD gets mounted properly
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    @theKarlisK I have discovered that it is indeed permissions but I am not able to change them. I am now reading this document to see if I can work something out

    I also tried
    sudo chmod 777 -R /media/shaun/Cipher_ext_500GB

    sudo chown shaun:shaun /media/shaun/Cipher_ext_500GB/*
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    @astro29 could you perhaps explain further if you don't mind?
  • 2
    Simple remount it properly by a mount command.
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    Thank you very much everyone for your help. I managed to solve it. I used Disks. Firstly I repaired the file system then I did as @rookiemaverick suggested, I then mounted the hard drive again. I think copying using sudo would've worked as well @RantSomeWhere
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    @theKarlisK I was basically trying everything really at the time, but thanks though.
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    @Banele, I agree with @rookiemaverick that it probably is not mounted correctly
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