I think most people are annoyed by the new design of chrome, for all the wrong reasons - I just noticed the TLS indicator lock is now gray when encrypted, giving you the idea of a website being not fully secure imho

  • 7
    That's a good change. Unencrypted gets a warning, DV certificate is the new normal, and EV gets more highlight.

    Users were mislead by the green indicator, reading way more into it than it meant.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop oh right, that old abuse of letsencrypt for unicode domains?
  • 1
    @JoshBent that took it only to a new height, but even before, certificates were available for $10.

    With "https everywhere", encryption itself isn't worth a special hint anymore. Instead, it's now time to kick lazy webmasters in the butt with negative warnings about pure http.
  • 3
    I prefer Netscape Navigator.
  • 0
    It's sexy
  • 0
    @rsync I can actually see why people would want the tabs to not have any border radius though, kind of looks crammed this way.
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