I can't believe I haven't looked much earlier for an updated github dark theme with support for different syntax highlighting


  • 3
    That's the one I'm using here too :3 great theme indeed!
    One little remark that I have about it though: I hate how small it makes the code field. So I added this little snippet on the bottom:

    /* My own witty edits */
    width: 1480px !important;
  • 3
    @Condor wouldn't you have to adjust also:

    .container-lg {
    max-width: 1480px !important;

    for the top bar and other content?
  • 2
    @JoshBent that's the one I've been headscratching about for a while but my lack of experience with the Chrome devTools couldn't help me with. I'll try to remember to apply that as well 🙂 thanks!
  • 2
    @Condor haha you're welcome
  • 2
    This add-ons, are good with privacy? I access privet github repos, would this be a concern?
  • 3
    @carlosjpc no problem
    Just a css swap
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  • 3
    Stylish was removed from addon stores for a reason: Data collection. Don't use it.
  • 2
    @filthyranter Stylus is a fork of an older version is Stylish before it was sold to an "analysis" company. I believe Stylus is open source.
    And it works with Stylish themes
  • 1
    Thanks for the tip :p Love it
  • 1
    @filthyranter as @Charmesal said, the docs/readme exclusively mention stylus too, nobody uses stylish anymore.
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