
Does anyone know any offline program like jsonresume to create pdf resumes..? It seems jsonresume is broken, and everytime i try it builds a pdf with no theme at all..

I need a resume where space is not wasted and i dont want to rewrite the entire css to make that happen. Suggesting a specific jsonresume theme i.e. style.css and .hdr file would also help because i found a blog where it was explained how to build a html resume using these..

And is there any offline html to pdf converters ?

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    have you tried OneNote?
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    @illusion466 I also thought like this. But my seniors require me to fill in as much as possible in one page without amy whitespaces.. I already have a well spaced resume in stack overflow theme ( maybe thats why my resume gets kicked around all the time ).
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    @gsn16 Oh.. no.. I should.. I didnt know we can do resume there..
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    @mrtn Latex is great, but is a pain when we wanna switch themes. Json resume is great that way.. You just change the css and .hbr and ta da .. A new resume with a different theme
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    @aEEEdev let us know here if OneNote works out for your requirement.
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