This popped up at work, so I had to.

  • 31
    The second one speaks right out of my soul. Thank you.
  • 6
    @nitwhiz no problem 🤣
  • 2
    I have never typed calc before since I use the dedicated calculator button on my keyboard. I suppose you can't type calc like you can regedit since calc was converted to a uwp.
  • 0
    I use cortana internet results for spell check hehe.
  • 4
    win + r "calc" opens calculator.
  • 0
    i have spigot, i dont need a software that cant calculate.
  • 1
    I don't believe for a second that disabling creepy cortana stops it.
  • 0
    also, uwp sucks a lot
  • 0
    @dontbeevil yeah, it real sucks when you want to see a photo, and the app takes one minute to open. same with calculator. if your experience with it is different, sorry, but it really sucks for me.

    Now I'm not sure if the fault is really on uwp or the people who programmed those apps, but fuck whoever is responsible.
  • 1
    If you open the windows 10 calculator and type something with brackets like


    and you get 20,0833333333

    which is the value of the second bracket only


    but then if you press = it shows the corrent value of 0,57427385

    And I got really confused because I didn't know and I thought Microsoft was too stupid to make a calculator...
  • 0
    I use cmder as a Shell on windows and I just have calc as an alias for the calculator - you could also hit windows+r and just feed it whatever exe you want from your sys dir
  • 1
    @Conrad @fml89 i use spigot. it is small an exact(it would calculate pi to eternety)
  • 1
    It annoyes me too that the search defaults to a online web search when nothinh has been found (which happens too often and is also annoying). Why? If I wanted to do a web search, i would do that in a browser. This is a use case that most certainly does not exist. Yet MS does not care.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil my expirience on buster mate:
  • 0
    @dontbeevil On Mac, it stops with "no results". I don't know about the other OS.
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