
Fuck college dude. My professor is a shit. I'm slow when it comes to instructions and some learning and so I don't usually get started as fast. Then after he decides to yell at me and tell me everything I'm doing is wrong he explains like I'm stupid and then fucking not even 30 seconds later asks me why im not 4 problems ahead with my paper.

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    @Bubbles how did you stand your ground? Have you made your difficulties known to him?

    He's wrong, yes, but you too got to understand his annoyances

    Help him help you
  • 4
    I know the feeling...when I was doing my PhD and had to take teaching duties...a few colleagues had that typical arrogant attitude which I found it irritating, I wish those dickheads never got jobs in academia for the sake of future poor students
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    @perotti no I just take it I would prefer to not cause trouble or attract everyones attention. It's easier just dealing with it
  • 1
    @Bubbles Dealing yes, solving it? Most likely not.

    Same applies to relationships. You don't have to be verbalize everything, but at least make your frustrations known
  • 2
    Teachers should understand that not everyone learns at the same pace.
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    @Wackoo yeah especially since I came from a highschool where they supported the "work at your own pace" philosophy
  • 2
    @Bubbles it will get better, once you enter work live. There are shity companies but a lot of good ones too. I know it's not much help now, but just know, you're not stuck there forever!

    @Wackoo I like your username. Take an upvote :P
  • 1
    Thanks. Like yours too.
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