
My first AI program in the 1985 on Apple IIe (64kb ram computer) was answering simple questions with yes and no. Everyone were shocked with precision of about 100% when I was typing and 70-80% when others were typing. My parents were scared and skeptical. How it works? Store the time between the first key pressure and the following, when it is larger than 1 second the answer is yes, otherwise no. They say the question, you know the answer and type accordingly. When they want to write the question themselves, you try to force their typing speed if possible. I was 12 years old and it was very funny.

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    That's really clever for a 12 year old
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    Waiting a second after the first keystroke will always output yes. otherwise outputs no.

    Ask someone to give you a question, type it yourself: knowing the answer either wait the 1 second or not to get the desired output.

    Indeed, very clever for a 12 year old. Also funny that it worked so often when others were typing.
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