This cookie law is getting out of hand.

  • 0
    The films not worth the 99c on iTunes either 😬
  • 6
    Politicians in Europe who have no idea how technology works. Ask most people now and I guarantee like 80% still have no idea what cookies are. Hopefully a positive outcome of Brexit might be losing this pointless piece of legislation 😂
  • 4
    Most of the people I know (non-techies) never even close those banners .-. Tickles my ocd
  • 0
    Fucking European idiot laws.
  • 2
    What bugs me is when it's slapped on websites for no reason, then everyone wonders why they don't have one. Some web design agencies market it as a service, 'cookie law compliance', when the site isn't even required to have it.

    Let's hope there's no more laws like this that deface front-end design so badly. I'm trying to think of a back-end analogy but it's all so retarded I can't even go there.
  • 1
    I Don't Care About Cookies extension to the rescue!
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