
I've been a Python user and contributor for 10+ years. Somehow, after seeing so many fights on the Python mailing lists in the past few months, I have mixed feelings about the language itself.

The binary on my laptop is still the same, but using it feels different.

  • 0
    Omfg is python going down cause I just started learning python?
  • 2
    @freeme learn go instead and never look back
  • 0
    @windlessuser care to explain why
  • 1
    @freeme man, however desperate the situation can become, Python is not disappearing anytime soon. And ig you want to work in this field, you can never afford to stop learning, so go ahead: a language should be for you a bullet point on a long list ;)
  • 0
    @freeme golang does the same job as Python, better and without politics and its growing in popularity
  • 1
    @freeme also, golang has concurrent processes too
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