
Bing ban Chrome extension 🤣🤣

  • 21
    Eeew google
  • 2
    I can dig it.
  • 4
    @Linux exactly ewww
  • 8
    Should be into DuckDuckGo.
  • 3
    @julkali Some Searx instance. DuckDuckGo isn't very transparent (or open source) and it's founder had a data mining project before DDG.
  • 1
    @systemctl Yeah that's true and while searx is a nice initiative it's not really a search engine but rather an aggregator of search engine results. This does leverage data privacy but it's completely dependant from these third party applications. DDG has an own crawler and uses Google, Yahoo etc to increase result accuracy and range. The important thing being is that the main search result data is not from other companies but rather aggregated by DDG. It is thus more viable. I think it offers a reasonably secure/private solution that still offers a lot of features/quality of service.
  • 2
    @systemctl @julkali I both use DDG and my own searx instance (which is public) :)
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