Before the storm - New Feminist Programming Language C+=

So before reading and raging on the box popoli post "the costs of a code of conduct" (thanks for linking @cursee ) I thought I'd share an awesome repository some Anon highlighted on 4chin/g.

I encourage you to read the README.md if you have been feeling depressed and/or mad with all this politics in programming bs.


  • 9
    @monzrmango Thankfully it appears to be so, the README definitely reads like a satirical piece.
  • 5
    Because come on, an if (excuse me, *check*) statement can't actually arbitrarily choose whether it wants to execute or not regardless of the condition, that would make any language unusable.
  • 0
    LMAO 🤣
  • 2
    I instantly went and starred the repo, then I realized that I had already starred it earlier.. amazing language indeed! This needs to be a design philosophy of Snek™. Speaking of which, check out https://github.com/toloveru/cpython! I've conveniently named it Snek™ too :3
  • 2
    @Condor oh my God that's awesome! Now I don't feel that bad for ordering the SNEK t-shirt. I'll favourite soon.
  • 1
    @JKyll thanks! <3
  • 1
    @monzrmango I know a manga by that name :3
  • 1
    @monzrmango Thanks! As you may have noticed already, it's a reference to the hacker Kevin Mitnick. When I took the name, I made a promise to myself.. to one day become better than him, in order to be deserving of the name.
  • 1
    @monzrmango @Condor

    Well this is the toloveru I am familiar with. Just sharing :3

  • 1
    @monzrmango @cursee oh you mean that username, toloveru? Yes, amazing anime indeed.. great plot :3
  • 0
    Loops and ifs, I.e. "checks" will be incredibly useless cause everything should be equal
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