My CEO uncle: "anyone can program."

A quote from when we were discussing strategy for my sit down with the CEO of a company I was applying at (FYI, his advice was to research the company, be familiar with their long term strategies and such). I get that there's no need to prove my technical prowess to a business exec, but it isn't because "anyone can program."

I mean, sure, in a philosophical sense, anybody has the capacity to learn. But developers aren't a fungible asset. Treating them as such leads to ruin.

  • 2
    Him a Tim Cook disciple?
  • 4
    It is far easier for anyone to be a CEO than to be a developer or a programmer. Bossing around requires no special training. The only skill you need to be a CEO is an acting skill to appear wise, knowledgeable without really knowing anything. Surround yourself with people who actually perform all the works and just pretend you have a hard difficult day everyday and tell yourself what an epic CEO you are. Next, start giving advice to your kids. nephews and nieces how programming isn't really a thing becase you get shit done just bossing around.
  • 0
    @azzuwan Wow. Erm... This couldn't be less true if you tried and outlines how little you know about what a CEO does. Especially if the CEO is a founder. At one point they were potentially development, test, HR, facilities, admin, finance and whatever thing they had to do to keep going rolled into one.
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