
Manager was to present an interface for one of our intranet apps.

Designed and implemented by yours truly consisting of a php backend api and a very shiny frotend, which ain't using anything fancy. Mostly jquery since I am using datatables for the most part.

Thing is. To test a button with large text inside I wrote
<button someclass>penis dick vagina</button>

I saw it literally 1 min before she was to present it maybe

Oh boy.

Managed to get it out of the way before the presentation.......
Thank heavens the conference room is next to our office........

  • 1
    Oof you almost messed up A-Aron
  • 1
    Bah La Key, is there any bah la key in here???
  • 0
    @RantSomeWhere I read it as Alex04 lol
  • 4
    Phew you corrected it to "pennis also dicke and balls" in time
  • 2
    @RantSomeWhere oh man I dig that lmao Alex for the most part. Its my real name. 4 because I am the fourth of my name in my family using AleCx is just playing around with the letters.

    But cocks works. Cocks is fine as well lmao
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