  • 12
    Wrong tag, not devrant related, even though it was interesting.
  • 8
    I think the reason people question this is that MIPS isn't a language. It's an architecture.

    So then you just assume the rest is marketing garbage.
  • 6
    Who cares if the guy/gal who wrote the article isn't a technical person and mixed up a few things. Ok, we all cringe with Java and Javascript, but cut it off please, the world won't fix itself with that kind of shit.

    Also, who cares whether a good looking lady, working in lingerie, codes or not? none of your business. Cool fact, that's it, it may be true or false, who gives a fuck. Go and ask her a technical question if you doubt, or return to your occupations and forget about it. But please, stop bashing for free.

    It's a monolog, just pass on :D
  • 1
    Comments in that pic were written by ugly envious devs
  • 1
    @JoshBent I am new to devrant will keep that in mind next time. :)
  • 0
    No, you fucking ravioli. She's amazing. And you're supporting the trolls.
  • 0
  • 1
    This shit is awesome
  • 1
    @c3ypt1c What kind of logic do you apply here?
  • 1
    @Techievena i saw a similar post before, without her response. I can officially say, my bad xD
  • 1
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