ok this is fucking ridiculous.

i had devrant open and my screen went to sleep mode. i tried to unlock my phone and my whole phone froze because devrant froze. i couldnt unlock to my main screen everything was blank. this happened multiple times by now and every time i had to wait like 5-10 fucking minutes for devrant to crash so i can force close it and use my phone. this time i had to restart my goddamn phone so it can unfreeze.

  • 0
    @RantSomeWhere 8.0.0
  • 1
    Same here whenever I multi-task and it goes into the background, there's a 50/50 chance that when I go back to dR, it's blackscreened and I'll have to close the app via the switcher. Also on 8.0.0
  • 0
    Same as @xewl, except on 8.1.0.
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