
at any point in time, have you had over 200 tabs open? why the fuck is such a low number such an edge case, that neither firefuck nor chrome can handle these without leaking RAM (5MB/sec and 100MB/sec respectively).

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    But why
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    230 tabs was my personal record. Didn't have any memory troubles on my laptop with chrome. 16gb ram + chrome extensions to preserve memory - that's my trick.
    On a very rare occasion I have <150 open tabs
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    I have ~ 400 tabs in chrome and using extension to keep low memory usage (The Great Suspender).
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    @irene I open tabs and don't close them unless the project I work on is finished. Some projects take a long time. Also having a browser window per project helps.
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    @irene yes I know. But I don't want to keep those as bookmarks since they then also appear on other devices. And no private browsing is no solution as I still want to be logged in everywhere.
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    @irene yet again they show up more prominently in other browser sessions. Also when I work on a project I often switch quickly between them. What do I gain from permanently closing tabs and searching for bookmarks? I just leave my browser open instead
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    Tell me a good reason why 200 tabs will improve your productivity
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    @irene it's like a brain cache for me. As opening tabs an waiting to load takes considerable time it's out of my cache when I close it. Also I use a tab tree and it's quite easy for me to overlook 100 tabs due to the tree structure.
    Like each tree root is a search with around ten solution leafs. And searching through 10 topics and then through 10 solutions is much faster than searching through hundred tabs plain. Yes I know folders and so on, but I have to do folders manually and the tree builds up automatically. Also see loading time.
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    @irene Firefox country 😁
    It got better with quantum but some websites just load slowly. Also access is generally faster through open tabs than bookmarks. Could also be because I'm used to it.
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    @irene @musician I have the same exact workflow and reasons as @JustKidding

    I have 36 virtual desktops (also called WorkSpaces), which act like tabs of virtual computers - for each topic (for very large projects, for each subtopics).

    in those WorkSpaces I will have some apps open, which are needed for that project (like their own IDE, own DB manager etc). and also might have lots of browser windows open if I am researching a solution.

    I reassigned numlock to open a new Chrome (since firefox does not focus on the search bar, nor open in the foreground). So I just hit numlock and write my search query. If a topic of thought splits, I tear the new topic into a separate window. ALWAYS. Its faster to browser windows close by topic also
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    Like @JustKidding I also leave the more pertient topics of thought open in tabs, might group them together. I dont even use a tree tab plugin anymore, since there's only like max 10 browser windows open per Desktop and 5..20 tabs per browser window :D
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