
Finally made good use of my RPi and setup pi-hole on it. After a painful 4hour long dist-upgrade and picking the right filters it is working like a charm. Why didn't I make this work earlier.

I've also wrote a little script which queries the api and displays different info on the AMOLED screen that was lying around unused for some time.

In case you are interested (from left to right and bottom), the traffic in the last 10 minutes with the max value on a graph, the most active clients query and blocked ratio as lines relative to the top one, and an overview of the total queries/ blocked queries and total clients.

At least I've finally spent a weekend useful not just playing games and watching anime.

  • 2
    Nice job :D

    Ja és bojler eladó :)
  • 1
    Nice. How demanding it is to the rpi? Is there space / procesing power to run other things also?
  • 1
    @Chill here is the status from the pihole's web interface. It is just running for 2days and I don't have anything else to do with the pi right now, so haven't really stress tested it.
  • 0
    @Teosz what version of RPi is it? I have spare zero W so that's why i'm asking.
  • 0
    @Chill its a Pi3 model B
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