So I've worked a bit too hard today, some thing with production being down...

Does anyone have some sort of relax/wind down pattern they don't mind sharing?

My current one is watching youtube the rest of the evening, but I am interested what everyone else does to calm their minds after a long workday

  • 3
    Long warm bath or a walk , or some hard workout.

    A good book and s cup of tea.

    But also youtube or a good game to escape for a while.
  • 4
    I picked up meditation, I find it helps me to let go of whatever happened during the day and calm my mind. Sometimes I just put on an album and relax in the couch... Not gonna lie, I watch a lot of YouTube aswell but I never feel totally relaxed after even if I enjoy a good binge..
  • 1
    Planning on moving to the coast some time in the future, a good sea breeze always does the trick for me. Unfortunately I life to far away from it currently
  • 0
    Starting the family, having kids and spending time with them is awesome.
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