
Fuck debugging 20 years old code in fucking assembly !!

  • 4
    Oof that's tough, man. Good luck with that
  • 10
    there should be software archeologist specialization
  • 5
    @vane totally, since there are fossils.
  • 5
    Having done this before, I can't recommend against it enough.
  • 0
    I could see the pain on high level languages, but does assembly style change? Does it make a difference if it's 2, 20 or 40 years old?
  • 0
    @Sefie actually code is in C (20 years old) but I have to debug it on specific OS and debugger doesn’t support symbols therefore I have to follow instructions in assembly and read variables under registers.
  • 0
    @neriald dude that's some seriously deep shit.

    Happy digging.
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