If anybody has contact to jase, please confirm he's alright, I can't reach him through the old domain as it rejects all emails.

  • 5
    Hmm, limme check his records real quick...
    His mx records went bust. Not sure if there's any other way to contact him 😕
  • 5
  • 4
    @Condor he hasn't replied or done anything for 24+ hours, worrying after his latest post
  • 6
    @JoshBent cut him some slack 😆 I wouldn't want people to worry about me when I'm not active for a few hours either.. like just a few days ago when I just got sick 😅
  • 6
    @Condor He was actively depressed and had recent events of reality paranoia, you can see the difference to being sick? especially in connection with such a post
  • 6
    @JoshBent good point. Hmm, if you remember him, TheOct0 had a similar story.. helped him out first over email and then over Signal. Hopefully Jase has some links scattered here and there too. I happen to know his real name so I'll search around on Google for that.. maybe that returns something useful.
  • 2
    @Condor Thanks, I have his name in my inbox too, didn't find much myself though
  • 5
    1 Twitter account, another website under the Jase id (jase.blog), 2 GitHub accounts.. plenty out there actually!

    Edit: even a Launchpad PPA account apparently.. I didn't even know that that was a thing 😶

    Looks like he's blocked my servers from visiting his website btw.. wtf yo 😒
  • 1
    Write me as much as you can find to {email} maybe we can reach him still, just need to be sure it's actually him
  • 2
    @JoshBent there you go 🙂
  • 1
    @Condor many I've actually checked already now that I look at it, but the blog seemed to be down ever since his last post, many are also abandoned accounts from looking at it, seems to be dark ends.
  • 4
    @JoshBent hmm 🤔 maybe we should respect his desire to leave devRant then.. and I mean, whenever the weather changes he'll probably come back with a new set of accounts anyway 🙃
  • 4
    @Condor I am worried he ended his life, not his digital footprint.
  • 4
    @JoshBent same here but I think that he's more intelligent than that. I've been thinking of ending my life several times over this whole SJW war, but every time I got to realize.. if I'm not going to do it along with the others who fight against it, who will? Point is, the realization that committing suicide is cowardly is a powerful one. I'm sure that Jase is intelligent enough to realize that as well. He'll come back eventually, I'm sure 🙂
  • 3
    I thought after seeing the posts about his project week and the call to fight his enemies, that he's on a way to get better, but we don't know what events could have broken a soul, not everybody wins his fight.
  • 5
    @Condor I don't think you fully understand how a mental illness/disorder works...

    If what people are saying, and he was actually
    depressed (I don't know him, so I can't talk about it, just going off of what people who know him are saying) suicide isn't "cowardly", to some people is the only option they see.

    Depression fucks with your mind to the point where you think things will never get better and you just don't want to live like that anymore.

    I'm not an expert myself, so I can't really talk about this too much, just talking from what I felt and what people who went through similar things told me. If you want to know more about this issue I suggest you do some research.
    I used to think like that about self harm, until I went through a dark time in my life and I almost did it. Doesn't seem "cowardly" to me anymore.

    Like @JoshBent said, "not everybody wins his fight"
  • 2
    @cantthinkofone I've been suicidal for most of my childhood and am still chronically depressed, thanks. I happen to actually have some practical experience on this.
  • 2
    @Condor then you should know it's not cowardly
  • 3
    @cantthinkofone the only reason why I'm still here is because I realized that it is. How is running away a solution to anything?!
  • 1
    @Condor maybe it's not the solution to you, but to many people it is. What is true to you, may not be true to somebody else, we never know what they are going through so we can't judge, just my opinion
  • 4
    @cantthinkofone running away is a cowardly solution in that it leaves the problem to be solved by whoever comes next. Besides, when you're given this life, a life that you can shape in any way you desire, isn't that something to admire? Things can and do change, how you change them is up to you.

    Edit: mind you, I've been in the depressed state of "everything's bad and I can't change it" myself, getting out of it is very hard. But once you do, you realize just how wrong that thought ended up being. Life and the ability to change things to your and your peers' liking is an amazing thing. And if the changes are good, they might even persist for a nontrivial amount of time.
  • 2
    @Condor Your life is shaped by you and the ones around you, and that last part you can't change.

    For the most part I agree, but some people don't see it that way and may think suicide is the only option. Let's just hope this wasn't the case!
  • 3
    @cantthinkofone that's the thing.. software developers create and change things all the time. That's how I found that I can change things - appealing to people on one side and technical merit on the other. Both are equally vital to my belief that things can be changed for the better, by one's own perseverance. I've known Jase for a while (about a year or two) and I'm sure that he's got that mindset as well. That's why I'm confident that he's still around. Maybe not on devRant, but definitely in life. He's a very smart guy with a lot of goals just like the rest of us.. severing all of that in favor of.. what? is something that I'm sure that he thinks of as unthinkable as well.
  • 3
    @Condor but life isn't just like software developing... If someone dies: could you have done something? Can you change it? No, but if they are close enough it will affect you. What people close to you do, what happens to them or their experiences can change the way you live, how you feel, how you act, how you think and yes, eventually you can change those if you want to, but it's not *always* up to you.
  • 1
    I'm out of context here, can someone let me know why the guy you're talking about got depressed and suicidal? Did he made a post here about the same? And @Condor how do you really get out of that depressed suicidal phase?
  • 4
    @N0-Flux-Given perseverance mostly, along with counselling and getting my ass out of the bad places and ties that I was in.. some remnants are still around in my life, but most of it is gone by now. The environment that you live in and your lifestyle are very important factors.. at least in my case they were. In my childhood I didn't get a whole lot of freedom, school was way too boring, my opinions about how I wanted to live my life were never heard. Becoming an adult and being responsible for my own life for the most part now really changed things for the better. The fact that I can dictate how I live my life was - and still is - very empowering for me.
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  • 8
    @cantthinkofone @Condor

    The sad and terrifying truth is that life is pointless. There is no reason to live, no Grand Plan, no medal for a successful life. The universe doesn't even define success in any way, suits and rags, it all turns to dust eventually.

    You get pushed out of a womb, you drop into the flow of life, and you can either drown or swim until you drown.

    That sounds depressing, but to me it's incredibly beautiful.

    It's a blank canvas, an empty editor.

    You fail your exam? You lose both your parents in a plane crash? Don't worry, the universe doesn't give a shit. When life deals you shit, you use it as fertilizer.

    It's harsh, and I understand why people choose to quit. I think it's a valid option, and your fundamental right to drown. I understand that some think "I'm fucking done swimming". I don't think it's a good decision, but it's not cowardly nor reprehensible.

    I had to skim the edge of drowning to see the value of life, to realize that it's really all just a game, that even the worst pain and regret are just new experiences.

    Some days I throw buckets of black paint at my medium, other days I carefully draw in sunny landscapes with happy little trees — it doesn't matter, even the worst days are better than committing to oblivion.

    "I can always drown tomorrow" became my motto, optimistic nihilism became my religion.
  • 5

    He was not just suffering from depression, but also physical health issues (I believe some form of cancer) — so there's a possibility that he intermittently drops off the radar for treatment.

    I do hope as well that he's OK though.
  • 2
  • 6
    @bittersweet that's actually a beautiful mindset.. optimistic nihilism. I can relate so much to it.. life is indeed meaningless. After all, what's 80 years compared to several trillions of years that the universe has been going for already? I can want to not fuck things up, for myself and future generations.. but what's the point? If humanity ends up eradicating itself, I won't be there to care about it anyway. What's the point of fighting, desperately trying to stay afloat in an increasingly toxic swimming pool that's society? Whenever I die, I won't be there to care about it anymore, so what's the point? All I want is for whatever causes my demise, for it to happen quickly. Like falling asleep.

    The only thing that I do however would never want to happen to me, is for me to pull the trigger myself. I don't want to commit suicide. If there's anything that I can do in life while I'm swimming and preventing myself from drowning.. heck, I'll fucking do it.
  • 1
    Am I the one of those only few people that don't have suicidal thoughts?
    Those who live without any problems?
    Those who are tightly bound with family whatever be the condition?

    Dude! World is dark....
    Now I see the darkness
  • 1
    @RantSomeWhere I hope for his well being from bottom of my heart

    May he overcome all fears and pain
  • 1
    @bittersweet @RantSomeWhere

    I have sadly terrible memory, so I might have known or heard it from him, but forgot now in the moment. I just hope he's fine.

    I truly believe he's a tough soul to break, but given his inactivity everywhere I fear he might have lost the fight due to some sudden event happening.

    Having to deal with all he had, does take heavy impact on yourself, especially if something major happens.
  • 2
  • 1
    @Condor it's another guy
  • 1
    @JoshBent @Condor
    Yeah, and I'm worried too
  • 2
    no activity on github. websites are down too 😞
  • 4
    Whatta guy. While trolls of the world would be like "You won't do it" or "Film your death!" @JoshBent is out here trying to find out if he's ok. #You'reMyHero. Now I'll be looking into this too. Sad stuff...
  • 2
    @JoshBent archive.org shows nothing for jase.blog
  • 4
    @rsync I am pretty sure he had signed up with the now downed domain, contacted him on the other mail already, but no response sadly.

    @notAnkur I think I saw his blog before, thanks for checking though.

    @Stebner55 He is a great guy that got put an undeserving countless amount of weights by life and yet still tried his best, he's definitely amongst the minority of people worth being worried for.
  • 1
    @JoshBent found some address through his ABN
  • 6
    @notAnkur @JoshBent Yeah I checked his twitter, linkedin, quora and various other forums for activity, checked out local newspapers for mentions of his name, company or neighborhood, and sent a text to his phone number (although pretty sure it's a landline). Might give him a call once it's morning in AU.
  • 2
  • 3
    @bittersweet thank you, please tell us if you reach him.
  • 5

    His phone is unreachable as well.

    I have sent a message with all known details to the New South Wales Police department, reporting Jason as a missing person / possible suicide. I do not know if/how they will respond, but I have requested if a public servant could maybe ring his doorbell and check if he's OK.

    I do not like doxxing someone like that, because I think privacy is a very valuable right. And he might just be sick of the internet, maybe he has decided to join a monastery or become a painter or something -- I really hope that's the case.

    But in this case I think that even a slim possibility of serious injury weighs more strongly than his right to vanish, especially considering his last few words on devRant.
  • 3
    @bittersweet seriously thankful for all you did, I hope they transfer it asap and it's not too late, I'd be glad if it all was just him being pissed at the internet and needing some time or becoming a monk, but as you said, with all we have, it really doesn't seem like it.
  • 3
    @dfox @trogus I don't think there's anything else you as founders or we as a community can do, but just tagging you guys so you're aware of this.
  • 4
    @iKameo I want him personally to confirm it, I am really excited that there's a chance, especially with the other account too, but I wouldn't want bittersweet to call off the police with no effective proof.
  • 4
    @iKameo I appreciate it, wasn't my intention to belittle it, just want to make absolutely sure he's fine :)
  • 0
    @rEaL-jAsE so is this your anon account
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