Anyone from Kashmir?

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    The only Kashmir I know is the material and the song by Led Zeppelin. Is Kashmir a town somewhere as well?
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    @Codex404 Oh! Haha

    Kashmir, often referred to as 'heaven of earth', is a former country. Now half of it is occupied by India and the other part is administered by Pakistan. I live in the occupied part.
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    @Codex404 Zeppelin's song, however, has nothing to do with this Kashmir. But, it is the same cashmere Kashmir.
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    I think @HAliPunjabi
    is from sirinagar
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    @fahad3267 know him. He is my bud.
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    Giant error on line 3: 'occupied by India and administered by Pakistan'
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    @ceee opinion?
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    @retard you've have a opinion if you're a Kashmiri. If not, STFU.
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    @Jilano They just killed our PhD scholar who was forces by circumstances to pick up arms against occupation. I'm here using 2G because they shut down fast internet.
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    @Jilano I completely understand and Thank you.
    It was just his attitude that irked me. They seek opinion of each other on OUR land.
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    Ya sayin other people should give no fucks bout you country? Aight imma keep doin that then
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    @ganjaman I was totally refering to a section of Indian people.
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    @mirimmad There's no justification for terrorism. If you pick-up guns and kill innocents to protest against govt, you aren't a protestor, you're a terrorist.
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    @retard this piece of shit propaganda that you carry on ,"terrorism", is not gonna help anymore.
    You read UNHRC's report on Kashmir, did you?
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    @mirimmad what? 100,000+ murder, 10,000+ rape?? Did you get enough stones last night?
    Be practical bro, don't just say anything to spread hate
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    @retard they look unreal, ofcourse. Please look at the numbers collected by Indian agencies. Kashmir isn't burning for no reason.
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    @retard In times of Internet, global connectivity you can kill 2-3 Kashmiris per week. In 2016, 150+ Kashmiri boys were killed in a month or two.
    I can't imagine the 1990 times.
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    @mirimmad can we just calm down. I just checked facts and news about killings and realised that most of those 100,000+ 'iNnOcEnTs' looked like this man. This is an image of that PhD scholar you mentioned in above comments. Now don't say he isn't a terrorist.
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    We both have so much to say but I don't wanna spoil this place anymore. I request you to delete this post. If you don't then I request @dfox to delete it. This isn't a place to debate on political issues.
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    @ganjaman ok ganjaman
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    @retard He is a terrorists because he left his comfortable life to arms against occupation? Is that your definition of terrorist? A man funeral of whom witnessed the district's biggest public gathering. A man who shook the occupiers and their collaborators.
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    @mirimmad imma go with yeah on this chief
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    @ganjaman since politics in involved here. This sums up everything.
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    @ganjaman and also about the scholar-fighter @retard uploaded the picture of: his opponents were Indian army men - combatants. Leaving everything aside, according to any definition of terrorism, he is not a terrorist.
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    @dfox this is becoming Facebook :D
    @mirimmad 2 yrs ago an educated pregnant woman left her comfortable life and joined ISIS. People don't become terrorist to get comfortable life, they're on a mission.
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    @mirimmad has a right to say these things. There's some thing known as freedom of speech. They might not have freedom but they should have freedom of speech at least.

    For the facts, 'Kashmir' tag on Human Rights Watch website can enlighten you.
    Even the titles say it all.
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    @retard The people you're talking about are Kashmiris; I am a Kashmiri. I know who they are, what they do. You are making a fool out of yourself. 200 fighters sustain among 500,000 occupational forces because people accept them with their hearts. Smh.
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    @fahad3267 Ofcourse he have freedom to speak, just like me.
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    That escalated quickly
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    @retard You'll Cherry pick propanda articles written by Indians but not listen to Kashmiri when the topic is "Kashmir".

    One more point. Regarding rapes in Kashmir. In 2017, about 200 women were braid chopped in wide daylight. Indian best Intel that works in Kashmir has no clue who these men were. The same Intel that has info of every moment of fighters. No surprise in 1990s they barged into houses in daylight and raped women.

    Did we mention AFSPA. AFSPA is law that provides Indian soldiers immunity from any crime they commit in Kashmir.

    Thank you.
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    @hubiruchi It has to. Afterall we talking about a land where occupational forces have a legal immunity from committing any crime. Yes, any crime. If you're an Indian solider in Kashmir: you can kill a man, a teen or a toddler; you can rape a women and totally boast about it in your company. Your are here backed by world's biggest democracy.

    I'm introducing you to a Indian law called AFSPA.

    Sorry for using harsh words and disgusting scenarios.
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    Maybe you didn't noticed that author of all the articles written in the website shared by @fahad3267 is also Indian.

    Did I mention article 370 which prevents an Indian from buying property in Kashmir. Also we give special privileges to Kashmiri students and citizens in India

    Your welcome!
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    @retard fahad mentioned articles from an International neutral body.

    Regarding art 370: that's an 1920 law of Independent Kashmir.
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    I'm glad that You are happy about the Indian nationality of most reporters.
    Another reason to make you believe in the content of these Human Rights Violation news
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    @fahad3267 nationality doesn't matter for me. I was replying to @mirimmad for what he said.
    @mirimmad thanks for reminding
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    @dfox devrant is sinking. Only you can save it. This post is becoming too much political
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    @retard its not that you helped making it less political. I hate this fucking comment thread. I cant speak for him but I am sure @dfox didnt want that from devrant
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    @retard thanks for the tag.
    its the other way round !
    But dude I don't wanna start no Indo Pak war in here 🙊.
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    @retard Well, shedding the differences, before leaving I want you to know:

    It was Indian that used arms against Kashmiris. Militancy was a mere reaction.

    I am Kashmiri; I don't know about Kashmir from TV. I live here. What you see on TV is what is my daily life.

    India tried everything but couldn't hide the crimes. Incidents likes Kunan-Poshpora will haunt you forever.

    A PhD taking arms is a concern. You should read his articles.

    Lastly, you at any point, don't know about Kashmir more than a Kashmiri. What you see on TV, what you are made to believe is part of a propaganda. These boys are not terrorists, they were forced to take up arms. Dont you, for the love of god, even care to revisit the definition of a terrorist.

    There is ofcourse terrorism is Kashmir. Gunmen who killed two NC workers last week, killed Hurriyat activist yesterday, killed Journalist. The braid choppers. These men have always remained "unkown". Indias best intel has no clue about who they are.
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    @ceee same here. But not replying to someone may look disrespectful :D
    @mirimmad yeah you're right. No one knows better than Kashmiris. Now think about Kashmiri pandits.
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    Somebody bring this back
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