
I just got denied access to a metro station because I use the old BuzzyPazz over the new Mobib card, that digitally authorizes you and knows where you are, and when. I refuse to use it over privacy concerns and because my BuzzyPazz is indefinitely valid. LONG LIVE FUCKING TECHNOLOGY, DESIGNED NOT FOR LEGALLY GETTING ON A FUCKING METRO, BUT FUCKING DATA COLLECTION!!!!

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    Sorry bro, Buzzy got kicked out even if "indefinitely". Contact them for a remake.. If you have a Buzzy, they already know that data anyway...
  • 12
    Well I guess living in a third world country without infrastructure helps ease those privacy concerns 😂
  • 8
    @JKyll Or in first world towns that are small lol. we don't have shit in terms of public transportation
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    @JKyll probably,yeah.. lmao

    Thing is, by now the only thing they ask for is your "Social Security Number" and a payment... the rest is provided by the government... (They just send it to your currently known address automatically)
  • 2
    @xewl hmm, I see. Would I be able to get another BuzzyPazz over a Mobib card like that though?
  • 4
    I search for like 30 minutes on the site of my public transportation system and on ddg to try to find the privacy regulations: FOUND NOTHING!

    Next step, sadly, is google.
  • 2
    @Condor sorry. No you can't
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    @-vim- it's a government organization that's underpaid for ages by said government (at least here in Belgium they are), incentivising them to go with unethical means to get funding.. of course they don't have a privacy policy 😕 why would they, right?
  • 2
    @Condor google search results: PRIVACY POLICIES FOR:

    - the website
    - a forum
    - a goodies store
    - etc.

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    @epse I'll leave this as a one-time hiccup then.. most bus drivers in Antwerp still nod in confirmation when I show my BuzzyPazz. Theoretically I should renew it (though I refuse to), in practice I rarely get problems with it. That doesn't mean that De Lijn isn't doing unethical shit that should be stopped in its tracks or properly audited to not be tracking its customers - i.e. serving its intended/advertised purpose, authentication - before roll-out though.
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    @Condor no, as I said... the card is the new thing for All public transport. Bus, both Wallonie and Flanders, Metro & Train. You'll pay for a Buzzy rate prolly
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    @xewl I honestly don't care about the payment. It's the fact that its terminals can store who authenticated, where they did, and when. That correlates to time and location information, and is something that I find highly suspicious until proven otherwise. Hence my refusal to use it until it's been audited, or better yet, its source code released.
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    @Condor Yeah, the mandatory scan when you go on a ride, is painstakenly logging that shit...

    I'd love to read out the NFC..
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    @Condor I think basically all transportation world-wide that has these type of cards has been always storing that on the card itself, sadly nothing new and has been practice for a long time, so I doubt there's any way it's not going to be adjusted towards the more mass standard.

    @xewl iirc those can be only read out on the official machines to check the history where you paid for transport etc
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    @rsync good point.. it is certainly a big problem. But when we look at NMBS/SNCB for example, there they just get periodic checks.. they're far more common in trains for sure, and those people cost money too. Cutting that cost out with automated checks seems a logical step for De Lijn to take, to accommodate for ever-shrinking government funding. But given its potential use for data collection, shouldn't it be audited and open sourced first?
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