
Today, this made me think: My bank limits the password I can choose to 16 chars, and only letters and numbers are allowed, no special chars. Meanwhile on Typeracer.com I was able to use 60 character password, including numbers, letters and special chars.

  • 5
    Because typeracer doesn't use hard- and software from the 80's.
  • 3
    I raise you my bank. Limited to 5 chars for some reason and also only letters and numbers.
  • 1
    mine limits to 8-15 characters 😑. my WIFI has a longer password 😤
  • 1
    My previous Bank: 4 Numbers. At least every transaction was secured by TAN, requiring the correct generator and Bankcard. But I always considered my account balance to be public knowledge.
  • 0
    Don't forget that not long ago there was only the 4 digit PIN. 16 characters is already a great advancement.
  • 2
    My brother once made the discovery that a website cuts the password off at 8 chars, but doesn't tell the user about it.
  • 1
    @polaroidkidd Oooh! That's mean! (And highly incompetent!)
  • 1
    I raise you mine : a 6 digit code, but "it's secure because we use a custom widget where numbers are images and are moved around, so keyloggers can't access it".

    Meanwhile, my Blizzard account has been secured with 2 factor for at least 10 years.

    Great to know that my games are safer than my bank account.
  • 0
    My previous bank allowed only 4 characters, but they had to be digits.
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