
PM: "Hey, can you send an email to SysAdmin I can't print in colours?"

And vagues off to a meeting.

Me: "what the fuck"

  • 0
    @Jilano I wish I could say that xD
  • 3
    Answer: "you can send emails yourself."

    Thinking: "you can also fuck yourself."
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop I pity the SysAdmin for trying to help her out, she's always too busy, and in meetings

    And takes her computer with :D
  • 6
    1. Send email to sysadm with:
    a - printer is not working
    b - manager's email account is not working -- he can't email to you directly.
    2. Cc your manager

    silent kills ftw.
  • 0
    @netikras Quite savage ! I like it
  • 3

    1. Spoof the sender so it looks like the PM.

    2. Sprinkle some insults about it.

    3. CC the head of IT

    Punish people the right way...
  • 4
    @ilPinguino you see, there is a line between passive-aggressive and making a crime. Your proposal crosses that line
  • 1
    AFAIK Exchange keeps track of all mail info, incl. sender details. Postfix definitely logs senders' IPs among other data.

    Good luck not getting caught :)
  • 1
    "Hey, can you send an email to SysAdmin I can't print in colours?"
    That quote is extra strange without the comma.
  • 2
    That's a new level of "can you fix my printer"
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    @netikras depends on the jurisdiction you're in. 😉
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    @Fabian yeah, I was so pissed I forgot to write as in a "story" mode, my bad :(
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    @Phlisg Well, it is technically grammatically correct without. It's just absolute nonsense.
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    @Fabian I would have added "... sysadmin that I can't...", much better :)
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