Swift changes syntax again! Apple is treating their language like an Apple product. Why can't they decide? What's that? you have a project? Goodluck converting your code when we decide to change everything ;)

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    When language designers "decide" and then never change the language ever again, you get Java. Now take a moment to think how lucky you are ;)
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    @fuckfuckityfuck No, but I mean apple take it to a whole new level. Changing the for loop design from c style to some random shit with dots. Changing objects from NSSets to generics and then back. I'm talking about real simple shit that was fine how it was. Btw, JavaRules
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    I'm just reading up some of the changes, and, um yeah o_O
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    @fuckfuckityfuck Its bizarre right, if it was actually functional stuff fine. But this is mostly aesthetics. They could have easily finalised these decisions on 1.0. But I'm cool with the added functionality.
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    Luckily, Xcode does most of the work for you. Now if it could only properly find syntax errors in block statements instead of saying the enclosing function signature is wrong.
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    They've been perfectly open on what's changing and that the language is not final. If you can't handle it, use ObjC. Xcode also will convert a lot of it for you.
    Also three dots like 1...5 loops 1,2,3,4,5. Two dots and a < like 1..<5 loops 1,2,3,4.
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