Found my old code.

You gotta admit, that's some clean code there, considering I learned C# only for a year at that time.

But those comments....
VeRy WeLl WrItTeN, vErY dEtAiLeD, vErY gOoD

  • 6
    Much detailed, much awesome

    Your first c# is better than my 3 year of c#
  • 4
    Well, it's better than no comments at all
  • 4
    Nice assembly like comments :3
  • 5
    Yeah me too. The first program that I wrote was actually clean, but it has no comment. One time I showed it to my colleagues at work, and their response was "This is ridiculous! A function with only 1 or 2 lines of code, this is insane." yeah, I didn't bother to defend it because after all, they've never read the book Code Complete and Clean code by Robert Martin.
  • 5
    Nothing wrong with pseudocode man!
  • 4
    @UltraJason actually in this case it's worse than no comments.
  • 1
    @CozyPlanes tell me you are being sarcastic in your rant. If not..,

    Why the hell you write what you are doing, any programmer with less or no experience can always figure that out by looking at the code.

    @devTea please tell me you are kidding..
  • 0
    @gowtham-sai I learn c# for years and I still thinks I’m shit at it, I do js now, it’s easier for me
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