
So Github went down and it showed how much empathy devs have for fellow devs.
We saw tweets saying things like,
God I can't imagine how freaking stressed out the devs at Github are right now.
Or "Hugs and kisses to the devs at Github. You got this"
Of cause there were the occasional dumb Github tweets.
But in all it just shows how much we empathize with other devs and knowing they are trying their best to handle the situation. For more than 8 hrs. Imagine a black out of something like twitter for just an hour or two.. Gives you chills.
But bravo/brava to all the understanding devs.

  • 19
    This mutual fuzzy feeling is why devRant can thrive.

    Here, here!
  • 8
    Oh yes. Devs understand that things go wrong and go down, and when they do, it's a stressful position no-one wants to ever be in.

    I think most devs who have been in the inustry for more than a few years have experienced something similar on their watch... we know what it's like, and that's not pleasant!
  • 4
    One of the cool points of a DVCS is that there is no central single point of failure. D'uh.
  • 1
    GitHub went down? Where in the world?
  • 1
    Been in industry for only a year and half now and experienced it first hand with production going down because of a bug for 30mins.
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