* Starts work with boss
* Works till night
* Decide to continue the next day
* Both leave work at the same time
* Both arrive at work next day at the same time

"Hey is the work done?"

Oh forgive me for not fucking dreaming up the work in my fucking sleep.

  • 4
    *tehehe* that's so typical! Had something like that a few years ago, too.
    What a brilliant way of giving you a true WTF-start into the day, isn't it?
  • 7
  • 12
    Not working in your sleep?

    Algo would disagree 🤣
  • 5
    Exactly why I left the biggest job I got the other month. I worked from 2am to 9am because emergency, and then he has the nerve to send me the message "I don't see you at the office. I expect you to be here from 10am to 5pm even if you worked the night".
    Without hesitating I called him up and quit.
  • 0
    😂😂😂, good one 👏👏
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