
So I have this idea of a potentially amazing idea but I'm so conflicted as to whether or not it is a good idea (I know it will probably never happen) but it's really hard to put it in writing for people's opinions and input on it...

Anyone else have these moments?

  • 3
    Generally I just keep thinking about it and lightly research it, then think some more until I convince myself it's completely possible. Then I think some more and finally get around to trying it. Then think about it some more until its part of my life and I find some excuse to implement it in my work, or side project, or wherever it's applicable.
  • 2
    I rewrote my side project idea 4 times already and now I think I am on right track.

    It’s so easy to get it on your mind but so hard to visualize it and make it to the product, when you’re unhappy that means it’s worth a try.
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    I’ve found that at least attempting to write it out as a draft, just for yourself, will give you some words and ideas and concepts with which to continue some research on the feasibility and/or originality of the idea...
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    @zer0spec would do it but unfortunately would require building an operating system for 2 seperate CPU architectures, a compiler and the testing application, only one of which I am capable of doing...
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    Make a MVC and show to people and someone willing to invest, if you find a brick wall try another thing or get the feedback and improve it.
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    @lxmcf - that is a pretty tall order for sure. Any chance you could at least get the concept on paper and try to work thru it a bit at a time?
  • 1
    @zer0spec could always attempt, I'll see what I can get down and then put up a post about it :-3
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