
!rant, but... It’s really nice to live in a country with decent LTE speeds... ;) It’s nice addition to my home 250Mbit DOCSIS connection...

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    My LTE speeds are higher then my home internet speed.
  • 6
    My LTE Speed is not that good, but my home speed is nice (without Wi-Fi up to 500) (I live in some of the German towns with real fiber)
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    @Sumafu your fucking upload is what I need when I deploy local to server lol
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    haha poland with better internet speeds than germany.

    i've got a 10gb/s fiber connection theoreticly. But my macbook is the bottleneck since it has only a one gigabbit ethernet port. 🙈
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    @heyheni No one needs 10gb/s at home 😂
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    You say !rant, yet it is in the rant section... Make up your mind!
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    @Sumafu it is the chepest option for fiber in Switzerland for € 34 per month. 🤷🏻‍♂️
    And never say never. With that attitude "nobody needs x" is the reason why germany is pretty last in terms of internet speeds and availability. zurecht!
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    5G is coming
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    @ewpratten it’s in the „rant/story” section, to be precise... And the „rant” tag added automatically. Yeah, probably I fucked something up ;)
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    @heyheni sometimes it surprises me, that in some western countries they have slower connection speeds... ;) Here, in Poland, we have some companies that also offer 10 Gbit FTTH connections - but for me 250 Mbit (and probably 500 Mbit soon) is more than enough for everything.
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    @mlask if it's !rant, it should technically be in the random section. But it makes sense what you did now.
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    Your upload is small. I like LTE cause of upload speeds.
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    @Sumafu fuck..look at that ping...
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    And I am here literally watching this with 30kb/s connection 😭
    Someone kill me plz
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    @vane I have to check upload speed on some modem. On my phone, it still shows <10 Mbit... Or maybe it’s because of TMobile ;)
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    my home speed btw
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    @xzvf My provider is the Deutsche Glasfaser
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