What in the name of fuck is this API?

  • 5
    Looks like some one page 'application'
    If delivering pages via json is a good idea could be heavily debated, I for one hate it.
  • 6
    I didn't know 9anime had an api. I'm glad I didn't know.
  • 5
    At least it is JSON, shouldn't be hard to parse lol
  • 1
    I once skinned my schools crappy website. Turned out that every minute they fetched the whole fucking navbar to display the message count... Had to frikkin' hack jQuery itself...
  • 3
    Someone thought it was a good idea. But it’s up to you to find out why
  • 0
    For those wondering, this is from a site called "9Anime".
    This section is their list of servers and episodes one can select after picking in anime to watch.
    They then just slap the content of the JSON (the value of the `html` key) into the site itself. ( something like `$("#whatever").html(<the json html>);`)
    but instead of just adding some data like in regular JSON and looping over that (or using god damn PHP with cURL or something for it, they decided to just slap the entire HTML of it in the json (they do this with pretty much any section though).

    also @ok2094: they do, but it's not intended for the public really (I just use it to scrape and download episodes using a little tool I've made in C#, which I'll release on my GitLab soon after finishing some stuff)
  • 0
    @ewpratten thanks for this forfilling comment at first i thought that was the code of someone trying to use the androidsdk from the view of an android developer
  • 0
    @FinlayDaG33k it makes it harder for you to remove the pop-up ads I guess and also harder to scrape the download link using a tool like JDownloader?
  • 0
    All contents from this site have no copyright. What do you expect? 🥧
  • 0
    @billgates not rly, the pop-ups are loaded in differently and scraping the download link won't have an effect because there is no download button anywhere
  • 0
    @billgates both a no, ad blocks work dynamically on dom changes too and I think JDownloader has a js handler too, so it should work on the fully loaded thing
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