
I have lost every it job i have ever had. From programming to tech support. Am i the only one?

  • 3
    I got rejected a lot too. Let's keep calm
  • 5
    Me too lost every job i've had. That's because of my ADD. Aka. The looser syndrome. 😄
    Despite top education I've been more time unemployed than employed.

  • 10
    I've quit from almost every job I've ever had.
    The ones I didn't quit, the company either folded or ran out of work for me to do.

    Never been fired yet.
    (Imposter syndrome makes me find that very surprising.)
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    On what grounds?
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    @heyheni I'm currently in a burn-out and my first conversation with my shrink ended him diagnosing me with add and that I have been over compesating for years burning myself out.
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    @MisterArie @heyheni ADD is very useful.
    I've learned to use it to multitask extremely well, and switch away from things that are bothering me. (I can keep up on three conversations at once, too!)

    It is absolutely terrible, however, if you don't know how to cope with it, let alone take advantage of it.
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    @Root damn, you make ADD sound so positive. It can really be used like that?
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    It kind of surprises me that so many people have ADD here.. quite enlightening, I have to say. Never been turned down or fired here, but never really bothered applying for a job either. Currently learning electronics which I'd like to keep doing for the majority of my spare time, at least until I get a decent grasp on it (probably by 2019). Is ADD really a matter of being deficient of attention though? I've mostly found it to be a lack of interest into the stuff that bores me. The really interesting stuff really gets me hooked for several hours once I get into it. Maybe it couples with my AD as well, considering that that's (apparently) pretty much what makes me so interested in technology. I can sit for hours on my bench doing soldering work, or on my laptop working on the servers. Not sure if it's a combo of AD and ADD or one negating the other.. but it sure is useful :)

    .. cont (could be an error in devRant's API, it doesn't seem to like 1999 character comments)
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    .. cont.

    I kind of digress though.. back to jobs. I can't imagine myself working for someone else, especially if that other person is considered incompetent by me. Self-employment or freelancing seem to be the best routes for me.. employment on the other hand.. not so much. But that's just me of course. Do probe your own viewpoints on various work "architectures" (for lack of a better word). The translated quote I've got written on a card from one of the previous places I lived at.

    "Heb de moed om je hart en intuïtie te volgen. Op de een of andere manier weten die al ver van tevoren wat je echt wilt worden. Al het andere is minder belangrijk."
    The original is as follows: “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

    I didn't quite like the place because it housed some pretty wacko people, which I strongly diverged from. But that quote - one from Steve Jobs - is one that I hold close to heart, and kept the card on my counter ever since I moved from there into my apartment. Follow your heart. It knows the way.
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    Nope. All bar one.

    I have a long-standing history with depression & anxiety, in a country with a chronically terrible mental health system (the UK).

    Sadly, every time it reaches a point where it gets in the way, and eventually the business grows tired of maintaining their cultural pledges and decide to pay you to go away instead.

    One company I quit, but that was because I was being proactive about how the direction the company was taking was affecting my mental health.
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    @heyheni i also have add i dont take medication for it.
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    Thank you all for being awesome and not just pretending im like the only 1. I tell ya here in florida its not easy to get tech jobs and than they end up running out of work for me. I thought it was something wrong with me. Thank you all.
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    @skprog why? I would daydream the shit out of the day at work without my methylphenidate pills (ritalin sr).

    @MisterArie yeah i've done that sadly too. Living with ADD it feels like wadding through a river, upstream, with a 50kg/110 lb backpack while the others have motorboats. 😄
    Good luck recovering. Traveling helps.

    @Root cool 😎
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    @BadFox Absolutely.

    In elementary, I couldn't concentrate at all. I was super disorganized, always in trouble, etc. In 4th grade I spent probably a quarter of my days in the principal's office. My 5th grade teacher yelled at me continually. Around that time, my parents put me on various ADD drugs; some helped, some didn't. Other people noticed it more than I did (I mean, I was... however old I was back then).

    I finally started learning to control it on my own in 7th grade, I think? Mostly by self-medicating with stimulants (caffeine, soda, tea, chocolate). They work wonders.

    Basically, with ADD you don't function the same way as everyone else (and therefore their advice will not work for you). You need to learn how *you* function, what allows you to concentrate and be productive, how to handle task switching, and what actions improve your abilities.
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    @Root so it's basically a different attentional and concentration system than the conventional kind?
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    @BadFox Seems like an oversimplification, but yep.
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    @Root I like simple. Simple is nice. ^_^
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