
That time I joined the robotics club and made the pid loop for the robot was one of my favorite projects. I learned ROS, and I created the entire chain of software and hardware to control six motors. That one project set up my experience for the next 4 years and led to a few jobs. I miss robotics.

  • 3
    Another ROS person! Whooop whoop!
  • 1
    @hasu there are dozens of us! Dozens!
  • 1
    Wdym by "robotics club"? Like from school or anything? Because at my school there's only a shitty Lego mindstorms club where everyone's just there for gaining points, which you need for completing school.
  • 1
    @lucaIO It was at college. We participated in RoboSub. Which is a competition to build an autonomous submarine to complete varying tasks that can change every few years.

    The foundation runs a few different robotics competitions. You can check them all out here: https://www.robonation.org/
  • 0
    @Ximidar Thanks, this sounds so awesome. I can't wait until I go to college ;)
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