Just out of curiosity, how comes there isn't any direct messages/chat room/discord server/general message board for devRant?

I genuinely have no issues with it, in fact, I don't think there's any loss from there not being any; it's never been something I felt it needed.

It's just that I like devRant so I'm extremely interested in the design choices tbh.

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    @Jilano oh it wasn't that I wanted an invite, just curious if it was a design choice or just due to circumstance.
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    @irene ah okay, was just wondering is all. Was curious if it was something like "people will be at work using so they won't chat" or "most devs don't like to chat at best of times" or just something that happened. Curiosity is all 😂
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    It's because half of the users lack the social skills to use such a system properly, and the other half who do have the skills immediately realise that they don't want to be contacted by the other half.

    Actually, that's not even half of the truth because both halves would become quarters who wouldn't want messages once the new half would consist of recruiters.
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    @Fast-Nop Well an online chatting community is the definition of a place where social skills are not needed.
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    @Teabagging4Life Only if you want a miserable place like Usenet or Stackoverflow.
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    @CodeBane You might consider this one, it's currently active

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