Does anyone knows how to put these down, without making the whole laptop sticky mess? Because the fucking alignment makes me inner scream.

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    I just peel it off
  • 6
    Well @Haxk20 saved my life. After peeling there was still some glue, but the alcohol made it as smooth as a vegans skin..
  • 6
    Just peel em off and leave them off, they are just ugly marketing material anyway... It's like "wooow ur laptop has HDMI!!!!"... Grays, so does almost every other one...
  • 1
    @hexc EXACTLY.

    I peeled them off of one laptop, just never got around to doing it on my other one
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    @Vake93 I think that after a while my palms will do the same thing, but thanks for advice..

    @Stuxnet @hexc I wouldnt be supriced if there was a sticker "It uses electricity" too
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    i always remove all branding, just peel off and keep 'rolling' the dticky part, eventually its sticks together and done, if a residu is still there, do it later again but dont use solvents
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    Use a knife. Not a joke. Those things go off really smooth with a sharp enough knife. Just be careful and don't scratch your laptop though
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    Use a safety razor blade and clean it up with some rubbing alcohol
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    Compile a Linux kernel. No joke, my laptop's intel sticker fell off due to the heat of my laptop compiling different kernels for hours.
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    My old Sony Vaio has a plastic "leather" looking finish and with the heat has almost peeled off. Btw that's a replacement. Can't replace it again though as Sony has stopped making laptops. 😁 To be fair, for an 8 years old laptop, it runs Ubuntu smoothly.
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    @Nanos I highly doubt rubbing / isopropyl alcohol isn't allowed where you live even if "alcohol" (I assume you mean hard drinks?) is banned, it's a very useful thing and also has medical/first-aid purposes. Very easy to get at any drug store.
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    Heating it should also help peeling it off, then alcohol is great for cleaning!
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    @Nanos gasoline or thinner would do just fine
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    Solvent, a little isopropyl alcohol on the target surface, apply onto the alcohol, press down allow to dry, wipe down with a little more isopropyl
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    I just rip those of and rub my finger on the left over glue to remove the rest it's a long process but it yeild no damage to the surface
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