Just got my free stickers today! I'd like to thank every single person that has ever given me a ++ on a rant. I'd also like to thank my parents for making me the man I am today, and my high school counselor who just told me yesterday that I'm failing my English class!

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    @dfox @trogus Thanks for the stickers! Hell, thanks for building this site. It's basically replaced any other social media for me in the past few months
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    @duckWit I actually am failing my English class right now, and it's my senior year so I'm kinda worried about that cause if I fail it I'm kinda fucked
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    @infernalempress thanks! Glad you’re enjoying :)
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    wow ... lovely....☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
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    im failing high school chem rn lol

    by failing i mean a 87% so i really cant complain

    but stilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

    i get that
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    How long did you have to wait buddy?? For the stickers
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    @saurabh000345 From the time I got the email confirming that they had been sent, just a few weeks. Definitely not a problem, especially the fact that they were entirely free to me
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    Its almost two months for me... Dfox said that it can even take up to 3 months ;______; anyway... Thanks buddy
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