
My prof suggested me to use matlab instead of Python for my project.

So I started learning and found out that in matlab ARRAYS START FROM 1.


I am going back to python

  • 2
    Haha yeah amirite fellow developars xd
  • 2
    I smell LUA too...
  • 8
    Your teacher is wrong, go back to Python, stay into the light.
    Seriously, forget about Matlab, it's not relevant outside of university in 2018
  • 5
    Maybe the key is to understand that matlab is not a programming language. It's a matrix calculation software. All those classes and objects are just added later on. But in it's core, it's all about the matrix. Even to speak of "arrays" is a mistake. Matrix, matrix, matrix.
  • 1
    @thatDude yes thank you. Following @/Algorythm's rant, matlab "arrays" are just a n*1 matrix, else you wouldnt be able to do array*matrix operations
  • 0
    If both matlab and python are an option, then Julia a great language for your usecase
    But arrays start at 1 in Julia as well
  • 2
    Haskell: An array is a function whose domain is isomorphic to a contiguous set of types which can be ordered (Haskell also has lists and vectors though).

    So my arrays start at Ace of Diamonds.
  • 0
    Well, depends on the problem. If you have something in matrices then MATLAB might come in more handy to prototype.
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