

Just spent a week creating a distributed api architecture which I found out won't work due to a singular issue which can't be solved - not unless I hack stuff to a degree where I might as well write my own frameworks.

I've been aiming the user application's requests towards my wsgi, which based on a custom header will proxy it towards the correct api. Each customer base has their own api and dataset, but they all visit the same address.

I've handled CORS manually, just picking up when there's an options request, asserting the origin, then returning the correct headers. Cool everyone's happy. Turns out, socket.io includes session id and handshake info as part of their options preflight, which I can't pair with my api header (or cookie, for that matter) which means my wsgi doesn't know where to send it. You get a 400! You get a 400! You get a 401! </oprah>

So my option is to either roll my own sockets engine or just assign each api to a subdomain or give it some url prefix or something. Subdomains are probably pretty clean and tidy, but that doesn't change having to rewrite a bunch of stuff and the hours I spent staring at empty headers in options preflights.

At least this discussion saved me some time in trying to make it work. One of my bad habits is getting in those grooves of "but surely... what the hell, surely there's a way. There has to be"


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