What are the odds of a game studio's co-founder starring a R18 decensoring GitHub repo? Welp. Today one did. And I saw because I found his GitHub after Googling (I switched to Duck in September). Welp. This is gonna be embarrassing for the guy. Whoops.

Repo is DeepCreamPy btw if you're interested in "researching how it works".

  • 3
    I saw someone post that repo on reddit this past week. Didn't think it would get much attention, but I guess I was wrong
  • 4
    @davenall it overlaps with some work I've been doing in de-convolution, especially the idea of fixing the mosaic effect which overlaps with fixing out of focus point dot stuff like starfields etc
  • 2
    @davenall oh... I think he's done it as a political statement as much as a programming challenge
  • 3
    I love the name though
  • 2
    @davenall Wow... hentai is serious business
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