
why isnt there a standardized API for unsubscribing from newsletters that newsletter providers are bound to use? -.-

  • 1
    because that would mean all the newsletter services would have to agree on something.... thats like saying:

    "why dont all browsers have a standard CSS implementation" - every system has to be different.
  • 0
    every system has to be different aka. every user or developer has to struggle in a slightly different manner.
  • 0
    ask the European Union for a law that would require this, betcha next year this law would be in place and would be adopted around the globe.
  • 3
    No way.

    Last time the EU regulated something computer related we all got those stupid annoying cookie consent dialogs on all website.
  • 1
    @heyheni and it would be half implemented and poorly documented.

    government doesnt solve problems, it creates them.
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