Just started feeling productive in angular 1...now angular 2 is here. Should I leave it all and move to angular 2 or keep learning and improving myself in angular 1?

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    I'm wondering the same thing. I'm interested to see what others think.
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    Aw man, just when I started using angular 1 in production.
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    Angular 2 would be supported longer. And TypeScript is a relief. So I think answer is to move to 2
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    Would angular 1 continue to be supported by security patches, bug fixes after this or left out? Given the total overhaul in angular 2, moving to angular2 will be a whole new thing to learn before production...plus many libraries aren't in angular 2 or still in development...
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    Angular 2 is cool, and actually simpler than 1, but it's still changing a lot, so I would stick with 1 for any near-term projects. I would avoid porting anything to it unless you're dealing with a LOT of data and performance is bad even after you've optimized.

    I'm getting a new project going with it now and I'm liking it, but it's a totally different framework.
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    And yes, the devs have pledged to support Angular 1 for the foreseeable future.
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