Client sending files containing / in their filenames..

If he ever send this shit again I swear I'll be chopping off his thumb and sticking it up hos arse, it'll sure fit whatever bizarre fantasy he have for doing such atrocious things.

  • 1
    how is this possible?
  • 1
    @stop Unixish filsystem like ext* or hfs allows you to use such characters. In fact, in ext4 you can use any character except \0, /, ., and ..
  • 1
    how they get an "/" in the filenames?
  • 1
    @stop I can't talk for other systems than MacOS but apparently it is as simple at right clicking and renaming the file.

    I dont dare to think how the file system even handles this.
  • 2
    @stop Probably like how Windows allows you to write ridiculously deep folders, but reading it again will give you an error
  • 0
    Which thumb?
  • 1
    @theMaintainer Escaping. Same as *nix.
  • 0
    Is that even legal in windows?
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