Windows Console double-buffered

  • 8
    Was this what you were referring to in your previous rant? I remember you working on this a while back
  • 13
    @Stuxnet Yeah but I could never get the copy buffer to work. Today I just uncommented all of my "faulty" code and it worked first try.
  • 6
    @AlgoRythm It be like that sometimes 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 4
    Is this the continuation of your previous rant? If i am not wrong you are posting about A double buffered screen showing a clock?
  • 2
    Double "buffered" with dicks
  • 1
    *slides right in*
  • 5
    @wowotek Yes, quite a while ago, I got rendering done. This demonstrates another milestone in the project: Images/ buffer copying

    The last few steps: Fix the buffer resize bug, add a tool kit of drawing operations (like line) and then can I finally do what I wanted:

    Bind to Lua and make a game
  • 0
    Uhhhh... Uhhhuhuhuuhuhuhuuhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuhhhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuuhuhuuhuh.
  • 1
    I knew it as soon as I saw D
  • 0
    you look like you really love dicks
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