
That awkward moment when I spend two days configuring my proxy server and nothing works, I just try calling my server base url and that shit works O_O

That's a good start for a monday

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    @Linux if you don't mind me asking, to route from proxy server to other servers I had to edit hosts file so that nginx has this:

    server_name xyz.com

    How can I make two nginx talk with https on same local network? I found online to use something as the default Ubuntu cert by downloading ssl-cert package, is it good enough?

    Communication has to be in https cuz I'm using scaleway local network not sure who might be listening on that network
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    Why isnt working now?
  • 0
    @Linux it is working now but I'm using an already generated Lets Encrypt certificate, the servers behind the proxy will go offline (no public IP) so Lets Encrypt is not a good solution IMO
  • 1
    The traffic is still encrypted :)

    Otherwhise, issue a self Signed cert
  • 1
    @Linux so as a conclusion, it doesn't matter what cert I use (self signed, Let's Encrypt ...etc) the thing is just to use a cert right? I don't have to do anything else?

    Last question, didn't look for it yet tbh, but if I use https://IP/xyz

    instead of


    in nginx when doing: proxy_pass, will it work?

    I don't like the fact I modified hosts file lol
  • 1
    If you can issue a self signed certificate and trust your own CA on both server it will be the most painless in the future :)
  • 1
    @Linux ok I will look into that thanks man :D
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    @Linux if you don't mind me asking, now that I have all my servers without a public IP, and have only one with nginx that handles redirecting, does this effect performance when requesting url of a website on an offline server?
  • 2
    It should not affect the performance at all :)
  • 0
    @Linux great, thanks man 😀
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