
I just got my third 128GB MicroSD card off Amazon, this time SanDisk. Yet again, trying to do anything not involving the OEM full-disk exFAT partition staying intact (which, fuck that, all that uses that is Windows and Linux, i'm looking for splitting this thicc bih up) shifts EVERYTHING, including MBR+PT/GPT down the disk by 16MB exactly inserting data from... the atmosphere? whatever's using it? ...do SD cards have that secure key/DRM store space thing still?

(EDIT: I do verify that they ARE genuinely the right size after purchasing before reformatting or repartitioning, by the way.)

First it was a Silicon Power card, then a Samsung card, now a SanDisk.

(Also, why all S?)

Luckily, this time it wasn't a pain in the ass to get it to read as anything but "Bad Card" or a 0-byte/empty/non-existent device in Windows/Linux (respectively) so I was able to see that it was indeed the same issue without taking 3 days to jump through device hoops to finally get it to do it again but in such a way that it shifts out and back in all zeroes.

  • 1
    Well After many years and many purchases I only ever buy Toshiba. They are the best and most reliable. I don’t have the problems you encounter, but then again im all mac and never have problems 😀
  • 0
    @helloworld I tried to use Toshiba sd cards for my RasPi lecture and at the beginning of the 3rd lecture session 10 had already died. I went back to Sandisk Ultra.
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