Take the train number... null. Good job, Deutsche Bahn!

  • 2
    I would be more afraid if it said 'void'
  • 0
    What if they meant that there is no train? .-.
  • 5
    There can't be a delay if there's no train.
  • 1
    My guess is, that they failed to split the previous string into name (HzL) and number (88247), so the name stayed what it is and the number remained null. 🤔
  • 2
    @iThink94: This is exactly how the Deutsche Bahn solves its problems.
  • 1
    @CoffeeNcode haha, nice tactic
  • 2
    Living in Radolfzell. That's totally normal here (though I never use those hzl trains)
  • 2
    @b3b3 I live in Konstanz ^^
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