a fuckin router that sits 0.4 METERS NEXT TO ME of FULL signal doesn't work at all on my phone so i have to switch to 4G network which fetches network far far away from the satellite which is placed IN THE FUCKIN COSMOS OUTSIDE OF THIS PLANET..... AND THAT FUCKING WORKS......

  • 20
    I think 4g comes from signal poles (edit, transmitters? Don't know the correct term even in my native language) on earth, but I get your point
  • 2
    There is definitely such a thing as "too close to the AP." Try moving it 2 meters away and try again. I'm almost certain your signal strength will triple.
  • 5
    @dotFuck correct. Base stations.
  • 6
    Did you try turning it off and on again?
  • 0
    Bro... Configure the router and/or your phone. Distance defines only signal strength.
  • 4
    1.Phone network comes from base stations on earth. Satelite phones are still fucking expensive and bulky.
    2.If your signal if too strong it might overdrive the reciever in your phone and it wont be able to work propely.
    (similar to overdriving your speakers)
  • 4
    a) Yoy're too close. Turn down its Tx power or move ya phone.
    b) cell towers, not sats. Sats are for GPS.
  • 2
    Your phone might be so close that the router is overpowering the Wi-Fi transciever (however the fuck that's spelled...).
  • 2
    Getting 4g by satellite, lol
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