
Dam'n it!
Tomorrow I have to know 80 rivers, islands and natural spaces in asia.

I'm like 25% trough and it sucks...

  • 13
    to know all the capital cities ok.. regions ok... but rivers apart of the major big ones? not ok.
    Who needs that in the age of google maps?
  • 3
    @heyheni we already did capitals, just 25. I've passed that with ease. But now my mind ist totally blocking...
  • 5
    verwende eselsbrücken, und stell dir die flüsse bildlich vor. Oder mach ne google bilder suche zu den flüssen. Mach nen spaziergang um deine hirn hälften zu stimulieren. Am besten im gehen lernen.
  • 5
    You should have started earlier
  • 4
    @wholl0p I've started Friday but doesn't help when your'e sick and your mind is like "no"
  • 3
    Poor guy...
  • 5
    @cripi I guess that's school life...
  • 5
    @Ubergeek can't do much about it... So just trying to squeeze as much in my in my brain as possible ^^
  • 2
    On the other hand, you never forget what you have memorised in geography. For example, I still remember that Peking is the capital of Asia. :-)
  • 0
    @irene Exactly. I I've had the same math thing four years in a row, one year apart, because everyone forgets all of it after the tests.
  • 1
    @alvarlagerlof @Fast-Nop I would forget 90% in a week.
  • 0
    You can use technology and algorithms to cheat.
  • 2
    But whyyyyyy?
  • 2
    @Mitiko I'll be standing in front of my teacher and showing it on a map
  • 2
    @cripi Well, now you're fucked. Stop browsing devrant!
  • 2
    It went total fine...

    Got a mark 2 (2nd best mark)
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