Got some new coffee, Trung Nguyên from Vietnam. Now that's some in-your-face coffee! Strong and interesting taste, slight cocoa aftertaste. Only recommended for hardcore devs.

  • 3
    hey @fullsnack-dev a new snack to try!
  • 2
    or speed

    if you want to get creative, need to design a system, whatever, and you're on a deadline: speed and weed
  • 3
    @rant1ng I'd never take speed because that's known to be bad for the teeth. I have alreay been coding against a deadline under tooth root inflammation because pain killers would have dropped my concentration.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop that's only if you don't drink water or eat, but still drugs are bad
  • 1
    Vietnamese coffee is the best!
  • 0
    @irene without painkillers, the interruption was only intermittent, like once every 30 minutes. In-between, the deadline time pressure was good enough as distraction. :-)
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